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An Emperor's Fury: The Frayed Rope Page 18
An Emperor's Fury: The Frayed Rope Read online
Page 18
Feln was astonished. “At least you’re being honest with me.”
“No personal offense is meant by taking political advantage, it’s just the way it is. You’ll see this when you become more involved with Safun and the politics of our world. If you don’t take advantage of your opportunities, no matter how large or small, you’ll find yourself alone in a corner with dogs nipping at you.” Yuki leaned forward. “Pyndira is out of control. There is no fear of punishment and no respect for the laws. Since your family has withdrawn, no one fears the consequences of egregious actions. I want you to bring that back. And I want your allegiance to the Emperor, united with Shisaru to bring the families in line.”
It was apparent the Warlord was passionate about this and desired his help, but Feln was cautious. If this was true, then his family must have wielded great influence policing the other families. They expected him to bring order to the chaos. It was beginning to make sense. Now it was even more important that he travel to Safun and find Suun. But the Emperor wasn’t going to let him leave until he agreed to this alliance. It appeared he would have to break more rules, putting him further at risk.
“I can’t offer my family’s participation in your alliance,” Feln said, his voice flat and even, “you know that. If you will allow me to travel to Safun, then I could help Pyndira in other ways. I just need time to figure it out. Grant me the time I need.”
“We do need your family to restore order, but my father has confined you to your manor and he has every right to do so. He won't let you go until you agree to an alliance. If I know my father, and I do know him, he will be stubborn and not let you go to Safun. Do what my father told you, send for your advisors so they can help. The easiest path, though, would be to agree with the alliance.”
Although he didn’t know how he was going to get to Safun, Feln felt a surge of energy, for now he had a purpose. Since his mother had been gone, Pyndira had fallen into chaos. The provinces were fighting, causing civil conflicts, and inciting disputes. Could he do this? Could he restore Pyndira to lawfulness? How the hell could he do that? All he wanted was to find a way to get home to see Owori. Or maybe, he thought, I should bring her here. There had to be a way to get her here.
“Did you know my mother?” Feln asked.
“I met her when I was a youngster, so I don’t remember much. She was a good leader, strong-willed as well. All the Xialao family leaders have been tough, decisive, and,” he laughed, “fearsome. You don’t know the fear your family used to generate. There hasn’t been any fear, not for a long time, and the families have taken advantage.”
“How did my mother generate this fear?”
“She would punish the other families for aggression, for breaking the law. Usually it was in the form of death for the most egregious offenses. Even Furies were fearful of what your family would do. Your family has a knack for finding anyone no matter where they hide. I don't know how you do it, but no one can hide from Xialao when you're wanted for a crime.”
The conversations with Chang and others made him pause. They all assumed he knew what he was doing. “What you're telling me is Kojo’s aggression against Emesia is a punishable offence, and it's my family’s responsibility to hand down this punishment?”
“So, I’m expected to punish Kojo?”
“With the full backing of the Emperor?”
“The Emperor has nothing to do with the old laws, only the new ones. Laws are broken, you must enforce the laws. It’s your family’s sworn duty. Your advisors will know the laws.”
“Why hasn’t my family done this? They didn’t need my mother to hand out punishments, did they?”
“Of all the families, Xialao needs to have a strong Most Favored to lead and make decisions when required. I don’t know all the details, and I’m sure your advisors will tell you when they arrive, but what I do know is the moment your mother went missing there were no more punishments handed out. Your family, unlike other families, cannot operate without a Most Favored. This angered the Emperor, which contributed to why he was so short with you and why he was demanding an alliance.”
Feln noted that Yuki didn't refer to the Emperor as his father. Maybe he could separate the being the Warlord from being the Emperor's son. “What if the Emperor broke the law? What if the Warlord did the same? Am I expected to hand out the same punishments?”
With reluctance, Yuki nodded his head. “No one is above the law, not even you. Perhaps in a case where the Emperor was at fault, there would be an explanation. He would discuss it with you before you rendered judgment. A measure of latitude must be granted to the royal family.”
“I understand why he wants an alliance with me. He could do anything he wanted while I would be putting everyone else in their place.”
“It makes sense,” Yuki said. “But my father wouldn’t do that. If he wanted to break Pyndira’s laws, which he doesn’t, he wouldn’t bring you closer to Daiwer-dar with an alliance. It would make the most sense to keep you at a distance. We aren’t forging an alliance so we can break the law and not be punished for it. We want to make sure the Emperor maintains the balance of power. He suspects with Furawa attacking Emesia there is a shift in the balance of power. If it is a threat to our rule, we must counter it by any means. The easiest way, without sacrificing lives, is to form alliances.”
“I won’t agree to an alliance.” Feln paused and looked at Yuki. There was an acceptance in his expression, but also a look of disappointment. “But I’ll do this. I’ll make an alliance with you, the Warlord.”
Yuki chuckled. “That means nothing.”
“It means I will trust you, but you have to trust me. When you need my help, I will give it to you. In return, when I need your help, you will give it to me. As long as it doesn’t break the laws, and I’m talking about laws I know nothing about, we will help each other. Let’s say, as long as our cooperation doesn’t interfere with our positions as Warlord and Most Favored.” The clatter of falling ceramic bowls caused everyone to look in the direction of the noise. Feln noticed that the distraction was a relief for Yuki. It was delaying the response. The noise in the White Fox elevated as everyone returned to their conversations.
“I can’t do that,” Yuki said, appearing conflicted. “I must be cautious, just as you must be cautious. Besides, if anyone found out the Warlord made a pact with one of the Most Favoreds, there would be repercussions throughout the land. The Warlord can’t do that. We must serve Pyndira first, then the Emperor. Other pacts are tertiary, meaningless.”
“It’s not a pact. All I’m saying is we will help each other, favor for favor. Man to man.”
“I can’t do it.”
“But you would make my family an ally to the Emperor?”
“Wouldn’t I have an alliance with the Warlord in doing that?”
“No one can have an alliance with the Warlord. The Warlord looks out for all of Pyndira. A Warlord can’t show blatant favoritism, as I must make decisions based on Pyndira, not one province or the other or the Emperor. The Warlord must maintain his neutrality, you could say.”
“Aren't you controlled by the Emperor?”
Yuki shook his head and his steel eyes narrowed. “No one controls me. I may take advice from my father and look out for his interests when it is my place to do so, but my decisions are mine and are for the good of Pyndira. My position as Warlord of Pyndira comes first, despite my blood relation to the ruling family. The Warlord before me was from Hikimi, and as far as I can tell, he showed no preferential treatment his former family.”
“All who become Warlord eventually give up their status and become part of the Emperor’s ruling family,” he said. “There is a special belt for the Warlord, like your belt. I was wearing it during our meeting.”
“How did you become Warlord? Didn’t the Emperor appoint you?”
“The Warlord is a position that c
an only be contested when the existing Warlord dies. There were many worthy challengers in the great tournament.”
Feln sat straighter. “You fight for it then?”
“There’s a ritual that takes place, that’s all I will tell you. It’s been this way for two thousand years, since the first Warlord came into power. When the Crypt of the Warlords opens, the dead Warlord is laid to rest and the selection of the new one begins. To answer your other question, yes, it is physical contests.”
The noises around Feln became insulated, his mind now drifting from Yuki. Becoming the Warlord was similar to how monks in the Accord of the Hand became Champion or a Dragonmaster, a personal guard of the Grand Master. He wondered if Yuki would be challenging to fight, and soon after that thought came, he pushed it aside. Of course he would be challenging. Feln reminded himself to never underestimate any of the Favored Ones or Most Favoreds, or even Furies. He couldn’t let having the magic belt make him overconfident, as others with the belts would have magic too. “So anyone can challenge? A tournament of hundreds or thousands could take weeks - months to complete.”
“Many are denied by the ritual and that keeps the numbers down. The tournament numbers are in multiples of four, always, so the competition finals end with just two people fighting for the position of Warlord. To get into the tournament is difficult - out of thousands who came when I competed, only sixteen were chosen to fight. The ritual selects only those who are worthy to participate.”
“This ritual, what is it?” Feln asked.
“It's difficult to explain in words. It involves magic and it twists your mind, your memory, your perception. That's why I can't explain it. Some come out of the ritual and never speak of it.”
“What you're telling me is being the son of the Emperor has no bearing on your selection as the Warlord.”
He sighed with what could be nothing but relief and said, “Correct. There will come a day when my father will step down as Emperor and hand over his Most Favored belt to me. I will become Emperor, one day, that’s why I spend much of my time trying to understand the politics but not participate directly so people won't misconstrue my actions. When that time comes and I become Emperor, a new Warlord will be needed. The crypt will open and the ritual will begin. Candidates will come from all over, and as I have said, only those with proper intentions will prevail and participate.”
“Has a Most Favored ever tried to become the Warlord of Pyndira?” Feln asked.
“That wouldn’t be allowed. Besides, why would a Most Favored want the burden?”
“Wouldn’t they want the power?” Feln asked.
“They would have to relinquish their Most Favored status. Their belt would have to be passed along to the next Most Favored.”
“I see. But from a provincial standpoint, having the Warlord of Pyndira from your family must have an advantage. I can’t believe that they abandon their family in total.” Feln finished his bowl and set it down with a clunk on the table. Yuki did the same.
“Families have bragging rights, that’s about it,” Yuki said. “The Warlord severs his ties with his former family. Another ale?”
Feln shook his head and motioned toward the door. “I should return to my manor. It’s been a long day for me. You as well I assume.”
“Of course. Would you like a carriage? We can get you one back at the palace.”
“No, I think I’ll walk. I’ll need directions though.”
They stood and went through the crowd to the entrance of the White Fox, people taking their table the moment they vacated it. Feln slipped through the patrons and wondered if the Furies were nearby. He decided to stop looking for them. They made their way up the crowded street toward the palace that loomed in the distance. At some point they would separate, each heading to their places of residence. Feln was happy he learned what his family was supposed to do. Now he had to figure out what he needed to do.
It was a long walk to the Xialao manor house and it did give Feln time to think. It was beginning to make sense why his family had been feared in the past. They were the enforcers, handing out punishment to those who broke the law. It made him wonder, why was his family special? Why did everyone fear them? Wouldn't other families have the same resources, training, and strength to oppose his family’s judgments? How were the laws enforced? He guessed it was a delayed process. In the case of Kojo’s aggressions, Feln imagined word would have been sent about the invasion to the authorities, his family, and then they would investigate. Weeks or months later, his family would punish Kojo in the most befitting manner and make his troops go back to Furawa. Justice wouldn’t be swift. How could it?
It was late afternoon when he arrived at the Xialao compound. Surrounding it were hundreds of Imperial soldiers. They had dark uniforms with golden dragon crests, and each unit carried spears and swords. The soldiers were stationed around the outside of the grounds, assembled to make sure no one came in or out. As he approached, all conversations halted and the captain stepped forward. Each unit snapped to attention. The combined noise of their boots hammering on the stone cobbles echoed ominously.
“Feln-en-Xialao-Narneth, our orders were made by the Emperor. You are to remain here until summoned. At no time are you allowed outside of the Xialao family estate unless it is by direct order of the Emperor.”
Insides tumbling, Feln watched as the soldiers tensed. Apparently they were waiting for a response. Feln could see that each soldier was ready to fight. He had no choice but to obey – for the time being. It was true, the Emperor was going to keep him here until he agreed to an alliance.
“Do you understand?”
Feln said nothing. He walked forward, went through the gate to the family estate, and slammed it shut. Emato greeted him on the cobbled path, apologizing for not being able to make the soldiers leave. At least, he advised, the soldiers were outside the grounds and wouldn’t interfere with the normal workings of the estate. They would be allowed to bring supplies in, so they wouldn’t starve, and they would be allowed to dispatch messages. They passed the gardener, who was sweaty and dirty – seemingly never done with his work, and they went inside the manor. Servants attended to Feln, but he sent them away and slipped into the study where he had written the messages yesterday. He wasn’t in the mood for servants, no matter what their job was.
The study was silent. The elegant paintings welcomed him with cold unflinching stares and smug eternal smiles of people he didn't know. The finish on the furniture glinted from the late afternoon sun coming through the window. For a minute he stood there, unmoving. It kept playing over in his mind that it had gone from bad to worse. There was a way for him to escape, yes, he could blink and be out of here at time he wanted. But what then? Would he be a fugitive from the Emperor? What would happen to him then? Surely it would make it worse. He was also a fugitive from Emesia, accused of murdering Chang. What would happen with that? A knock came at the door and Emato walked inside without waiting for Feln to let him in. He shut the door slowly so it didn’t make any noise.
“Sir, I have arranged for a message to go to Safun summoning your advisors. Our soldiers will come soon too. They should be on their way here within a week or ten days, and three more weeks of travel they should arrive. Maybe a month?”
“What good will soldiers do?”
“We have too few military personnel here,” Emato said. “To answer your question, with a detachment of soldiers, we can counter the threat from the Emperor if the situation becomes more tense.”
“I appreciate that, but it still doesn’t do me any good. The Emperor wants me to stay here until I agree to an alliance.” Feln cast his outer robes to the side and sat down in a chair. It was getting warm, and he was sure it was more than the sun streaming in that was making him hot.
“The soldiers will balance the threat while you are here,” Emato said as he grabbed the robe and hung it on a peg.
“How many men?”
“Twenty or so. There is a de
tachment of one hundred soldiers dedicated to your protection. While you travel to other lands twenty or so go with you when needed. In the past, they used to travel with the Most Favored as a protective force. Few of the old guard remains since Ling was Most Favored, but they have passed along their skills to the next generation. They are among the best we have and will serve you to the death if needed. One of our soldiers is worth five or six of the Emperor's, that I guarantee you.”
“I don’t want to stay here,” Feln stated matter of fact. “They may leave Safun only to arrive here and I'm gone. It may be a waste of their time.”
“You are the Most Favored and nothing you command is a waste of time. Remember, you can do what you want. Having advisors and soldiers will make the situation more favorable.” Emato gave a quick bow. “If you wish to find a way to leave, we can work toward that endeavor,” he paused and took a breath, “find a way to get it done. We can work out the problems it causes later.”
“I need some time to think,” Feln said, noting how Emato relayed information with the most words possible. “Don't send any messages yet. Don't summon anyone here. Give me a few days to think and figure out what I need to do next.”
“Of course, I will keep the letters ready to be sent out at a moment's notice. Be sure to let me know if there is anything you require.” Emato bowed, backed out of the room, and shut the door.
Feln took deep soothing breaths, relaxing and meditating. His mind clear, he breathed and let his chi fill him. Energy returned. Clarity came slowly. The Emperor wanted him to join in an alliance, so the Emperor could maintain the balance of power. But to what end? Why would the Emperor push for an alliance? What was there for him to gain? Was it so the Emperor could do anything he wanted, to be above the law? Laws that he didn’t understand or know? If the Xialao family was supposed to enforce order, to monitor the other families and punish them for wrongdoing, then what would the Emperor gain from making an alliance? Feln didn’t see what the alliance had to offer. He didn’t understand anything. Now he didn’t know what he should do. Send for advisors? Send for warriors? Escape and flee to Safun?